
MPUA Pick-up artist

This tag is associated with 3 posts

Is She Attracted to me? A Better Understanding of Preens: The 6 Basic Preens

A woman attracted sends tons of signals, most of them are either Preens or Submissive signals. Everyone seems to understand when a woman is attracted she preens but not many people understand the full spectrum of preening. They aren’t just the stroke of their hair. So what is a preens? It is as an adjustment … Continue reading

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Attraction: What are Sexy Dames Attracted to? Part 1- An Introduction

I’m gearing up to make a new website guys, I’m going to make the next few a bit more formal. This will be a multi-part blog because it will be pretty long. An Introduction to Attraction Sex, what a wonderful word. I can write it 5 random times in a paragraph and you will notice … Continue reading

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Text Game- Some Basic Strategies for Keeping her on the Hook, Part 3

Serious I have talked about joking and not being bland, but it is just as important to realize there needs to be a serious you here and there. Otherwise she’ll never know when you are serious about meeting up. I read in a book on text game that you need a 6 joking comments to … Continue reading

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Science of Natural Games new website!

Check out the New Science of Natural Game!

Wow! Recently updated with more information and organization!

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